Faith Like Fitness

Faith in Jesus is sort of like fitness.

We read his word and learn, and when we practice what we're reading and learning; it's our "training."

We experience gained insight and encouragement in the great times. But we're also preparing for when what we're learning is put to the test through hardship.

And hardship does hit.

We live in a world with hard, hard things; some that we bring on ourselves, some that others bring into our lives with their choices, and some that come out of the blue as if there were an enemy against you. (spoiler: there is.)

But all that reading and learning and practicing is found to be worth your time through practical training, learning and trusting.

Life will never be painless, it's part of our human experience on this side of heaven, but don't let the testing of our faith take us down.

THIS is what we train through study for: where you and I come to end of ourselves and find a capable God worthy of our trust who is always FOR US even when life hurts.

It might not always look how we'd like it to look, but after following him for 33+ years, let me tell you, He is ALWAYS good.

While things feel pretty off kilter in our world right now, remember that God is always at work, and He invites YOU to be a part of the good He’s doing in your world!

Never forget in the dark what God told you in the light.


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